Madeleine Schwinge is a German context artist, artist researcher, curator, educator and writer with a strong passion about art and systemic change.
Driven by the mission to engage in the social construction of reality through methods of contextualization, she seeks to reveal alternative narratives for new utopias.
In her eponymous studio she has been developing a contextual artistic oeuvre since 2009, transcending specific media in interplay with curatorial, educational and advisory projects. Her fictitious riot band The Psychedelic Chicks has been staged in exhibitions in Germany, Austria and France, published in academic research context and was nominated for The Social Art Award 2019.
​To explore how art can catalyze social transformation, she founded the re:future lab Institute for Art and Future Design, a platform for change. The lab's postdisciplinary program researches, enacts and facilitates alternative futures through the artistic and systemic intervention.
She lives and works between Berlin, Paris, Marseille and the French Alps.

Art work
#artisticmanifesto #attitudes #postures #habits #mindsets #socialconstruction #transition #approbriation #assemblage #fluxus #connotation #deconstruction #denotation #codes #frames #memes #information #semiotic #allegory #experiment #guerilla #fiction #participation #performance #intervention #immersion
#fieldsofmutation #artisticresearch #futureresearch #practicebasedresearch #greattransformation #newavantgardes #pioneersofthefuture #presenttomorrows #hermeneutical #metaphysics #autopoeisis #transdisciplinary #embarkingfuture®
#arttheory #aestheticthinking #systemsthinking #re:education
#sharingcommunity #flux #symbiosis #transformativelearning #nonhierarchical #contextualisation #socialchange #circularity #postdisciplinary #metamethod #dialogue #openinnovation #ideation #permeability #artisticintelligence #verticalruptures #embarkingfuture® #holitopia®
#socialpractice #participation #immersion #intervention #experiental #dialogical #explorative #developmental #transdisciplinary #oscillation #metamoderne #ultracontemporary #newrealities #fiction #dramaturgy #dialogue #criticaldebates #staging #storytelling #re:build #newlearning #alternativearenas #embarkingfuture® #holitopia®
#newnarratives #fiction #ideation #debate #dialogue #interviews #discussion #features #essays #critical #citizenship #kinship #re:wrtiting_futures #EMBARK! #embarkingfuture® #holitopia®